Pizza Bitcoin

At, we believe in making a difference, one slice at a time. Our initiative began with a humble yet iconic pizza purchase made with Bitcoin. Inspired by the historic moment when 10,000 bitcoins were exchanged for a couple of pizzas, we decided to pay homage to this milestone in cryptocurrency history while also championing a cause that transcends mere transactions.

We've set up a donation fund dedicated to purchasing a single pizza worth $14 with the intention of never consuming it. Instead, this symbolic pizza will serve as a reminder of the incredible journey Bitcoin has traversed—from its early days when a few coins could buy a meal to its current stature as a transformative digital asset.

Every donation contributes toward buying this symbolic pizza, which will be preserved as a testament to the power of collective action and the potential impact of cryptocurrency in supporting meaningful causes. As we watch the donations grow, our commitment to this symbolic gesture remains unwavering.

But the story doesn't end there. If we reach the incredible milestone of 1,000,000 donors, we'll transform this initiative into a global movement for positive change. The funds raised will be channeled into initiatives that promote financial literacy, support technological innovation, and advance causes aimed at making the world a better place.

Imagine the possibilities when a million individuals unite for a common purpose, leveraging the power of cryptocurrency not just for the sake of a pizza, but for the greater good. Together, we can create a ripple effect that extends far beyond the confines of a single transaction.

Join us in celebrating the spirit of generosity, innovation, and community. Your donation, no matter how small, contributes to a bigger vision—one that embodies the transformative potential of cryptocurrencies and the collective impact of a million individuals coming together to effect positive change. Together, let's make a difference, one slice at a time.

After 1000 donation we plan to update our web site! 

History channel:

The first documented purchase made using bitcoins is quite legendary—it was a pizza! On May 22, 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz, a programmer and early cryptocurrency enthusiast, made history by completing the first real-world transaction with Bitcoin.

Hanyecz posted on a Bitcoin forum offering 10,000 bitcoins in exchange for pizza. Back then, Bitcoin's value was a fraction of a cent, so this seemed like a fun experiment rather than a big deal. A fellow enthusiast took up the offer and ordered two pizzas from Papa John's for Laszlo, paying with 10,000 bitcoins.

Fast forward to today, and those 10,000 bitcoins would be worth a staggering amount. It's become a symbolic story within the cryptocurrency community, illustrating how the value of Bitcoin has soared over the years. This transaction is often celebrated as "Bitcoin Pizza Day" every May 22nd, commemorating the historic moment when cryptocurrency was used for the first time to purchase a real-world item.

This event highlights the journey of Bitcoin from its early days when it was seen more as a novelty to its current status as a recognized digital currency with significant value. It's a reminder of the unpredictable and remarkable nature of cryptocurrencies and their potential for changing the way we perceive and use money.


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The use of the domain name "" is solely for the purpose of creating an online presence and does not imply any endorsement, partnership, or association with the official Salt Bae restaurants or their operations. Any content, initiatives, or activities hosted on this website are independent and are not representative of or connected to the Salt Bae brand or its proprietorship.

Please note that while we respect and admire the accomplishments of Salt Bae and Nusr-Et, any references made to their brand, trademarks, or establishments on this website are solely for illustrative or informational purposes and should not be misconstrued as an official representation or endorsement by Nusr-Et or Salt Bae.

For official information, reservations, or inquiries regarding Nusr-Et and Salt Bae restaurants, please refer to their official channels and websites.

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